The Post-Award Process for Approved Grants

Following grant acceptance notification, the APSF will send your school a check to cover the expenses outlined in your grant application. It is the grant applicant’s responsibility to follow up with your school’s Lead Secretary or Bookkeeper to process the order.

By submitting your application and accepting funding, applicants are giving the APSF permission to use their name and photographs to promote the APSF and the APSF Teacher Grant Program.

Funding for grants is available due to the generous donations to the APSF by many families, individuals, local businesses, and corporations. So that we may support grants now and in the future, it is critical to our fundraising efforts that our supporters see their dollars at work.  Accordingly, the conditions of receiving grant funding are: 

  • Acknowledgement of APSF support in all grant-related communications to parents, colleagues, and the Board of Education. You may use statements such as “This program is made possible with funding from the Apex Public School Foundation.” Please tag the APSF in all social media postings featuring materials purchased with APSF Teacher Grant funds. @ApexPSF  #APSF #creativityinnovationcollaboration #APSFteachergrants

  • Photographs and/or video of “grants in action” should be taken and then submitted to the APSF; with completed APSF Photo Release Form(s) if students are recognizable in the images. 

  • Notify the APSF at when your grant is ready to be implemented and/or when you have received any equipment/technology funded by this grant. An APSF volunteer may wish to observe the implementation of your grant if feasible. 

  • Provide copies of receipts/invoices to the APSF upon receipt of materials. Any changes to budget or spending need to be pre-approved by the APSF. All unspent funds must be returned to the APSF with a written explanation of the decreased spending or APSF 220 N. Salem Street Apex, NC 27502.

  • Provide feedback to the APSF on grant implementation during the 2025-26 school year by completing the feedback form (1 per grant) and individual survey (completed by each applicant). Remember, implementation of the grants can begin upon receipt of materials/training, however grants must be implemented during the 2025-2026 school year, with all forms/surveys submitted by April 30, 2026.  

  • All materials, technology and/or equipment purchased using grant funding will become property of the school and should be labeled accordingly. 

Following the conditions listed above is a prerequisite for future grant approval.